Thursday Feb. 22nd
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IMG_9583_2_1.JPG (165532 bytes)IMG_9588_5_1.JPG (142730 bytes)The crane arrived right on time to start lifting trusses into place. We had learned a lot from Monday and had a system that seemed to be very efficient. Pictured left is Steve Popovich holding one of the corners of a truss and guiding it into place.

On the right is Sae Jung (Lisa Rennie's husband) high up on the steel helping the welder joining the trusses together.


IMGP2550_2_1.JPG (106433 bytes)IMGP2552_9_1.JPG (110626 bytes)The wind had picked up again and I didn't think it was as bad as Monday. I was wrong - it was worse! We had a little incident because two of the trusses were not tied off. The wind picked up and the whole stack started to tip over. Two of them went over and came crashing to the ground. No one was near by and so no one was hurt. The welder was moving from one to another and so he too was clear when it happened. Some slight damage to both trusses that fell over can be fixed.

IMG_9584_3_1.JPG (115696 bytes)IMG_9586_4_1.JPG (180505 bytes)There was a team of guys up in the trusses installing the second floor. It consists of two layers of 4x8 sheets of plywood. The second layer is also glued and laid 90 degrees to the first layer to provide extra strength. Of course the plywood had to be delivered from where the ladies were painting them and the gals said they would not only paint them but would also deliver them. I could just picture them all carrying sheets of plywood a distance of 500 feet or so. I shouldn't have been so surprised to see them arrive in the front-end loader driven by Wayne Ferguson.

The bike shop now has a full-time employee and a part-timer too! The part-timer goes to school at the Mission and has to attend class or else he won't be allowed to work. I'll bet he will have perfect attendance from now on. They sold six bikes today and got cash for two of them. The others will pay for their bikes by doing some labour around the Mission.